HP - High Pressure Return and Supply lines 5000 PSI - Circuit includes high pressure hoses on both sides.
MF - Medium Flow return and supply lines - Circuit lines are sized to run industry standard attachments corresponding to weight of carrier without excess line velocity.
TG - Thumb cylinder attachment hoses/manifolds - Thumb cylinder attachment hoses and manifold group (customer to supply adapters at delivery ports). This group continues the boom plumbing down the arm and to the thumb cylinder.
EPC - Monitor integrated auxiliary flow control - Consist of OEM equivalent harness and proportional EPC valve to allow auxiliary circuit flow adjustment via the OEM monitor. A flow meter is still recommended during circuit testing for accurate adjustment.
JCL - Pushbutton Left Hand Joystick - Provides a means of on/off momentary control for single or dual direction auxiliary circuit (hammer/thumb/etc.). Includes left hand joystick with four pushbuttons and a trigger button. This joystick can be used as a "non-active" joystick to match the aesthetics and ergonomics of a right hand active (JC or JPC) joystick.
JPC - Proportional Right Hand Joystick - Proportional right hand joystick allowing variable speed control of the auxiliary circuit via a slider/rocker switch located on the face of the joystick. The joystick also has three pushbuttons to the right of the slider-switch and 2 trigger pushbuttons.